Saturday, February 6, 2016

Caring for your cat this spring

The change of season will see your cat soak up the sights and smells of spring with mad bursts of play and longer time spent outdoors being active.

Moulting and coat care

Pet hair is just a part of everyday life for most cat owners but you will find outdoor cats (or cats with some access to the outside world) shed their coat much more heavily in Spring and Autumn.
Daily brushing really can make a huge difference to the amount of pet hair that gets into your home especially during springtime. A thorough brushing routine will not only reduce the problem, but will also help your cat, as they will swallow less hair during washing and will therefore have fewer hairballs.
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Cat breeding

The longer days will stimulate your cats’ hormones. A female kitten can come into heat and become pregnant as early as 5-6 months of age.
Male kittens generally become fertile about the same time. In addition, an unspayed female cat can become pregnant with a new litter while she is still nursing and caring for her previous litter. She can have several litters in the course of a year.
All in all, the reproductive cycle of the cat makes the species a pretty efficient breeding machine. Spaying/neutering is the only effective way to control the cat population.
In addition, neutering helps prevent disease transmission, reduces fighting, and reduces roaming behaviour and hence the chances of involvement in a road accident. So if you haven’t had your cat spayed or neutered yet, it’s time to be a responsible owner and get that done. To find out more please contact your vet.

Spring dangers

Warmer days spark the arrival of fleas which can spread quickly once they find a host. In order to stop fleas taking hold, pet owners should apply regular flea control to their cats.
As cats return to exploring in the garden, lawn fertilizers and other pesticides can be a real danger. Keen gardeners must remember that lawn fertilizers and other pesticides can be very appealing but also highly toxic to pets.
After applying these chemicals make sure you follow the manufacturers’ instructions on how long to wait before allowing your pet into the area.
Animals of all kinds like to chew on plants. Fortunately most grasses are non-toxic but many garden plants can be dangerous to your cat.
Common plants that are poisonous to cats include Lillies, Pointsettias, tulips, lily of the valley and azaeleas.
Pets suffer from seasonal allergies, just like humans. Constant paw licking, body rubbing, excessive scratching, hair loss, skin rashes, and a “flaky” or “greasy” feeling coat may be a sign that your cat is suffering from allergies.

Cat vaccination and veterinary health checks

When kittens are born they are usually protected from infections by their mother’s milk, providing she has been regularly vaccinated. However, this protection only lasts a few weeks so they need regular vaccinations from an early age.
Kittens are typically vaccinated at nine and 12 weeks of age, with an initial course of two injections. Your young pet should then be given a booster 12 months after their first vaccination.
Don’t forget that older cats will need protecting too – cats need annual booster injections as their immunity declines. Speak to your vet about the regularity of your pet’s vaccinations.
Cats should be vaccinated against:
  • Feline herpes virus
  • Feline calicivirus
  • Feline Panleucopaenia
  • Chlamydia
  • Feline leukaemia virus
Contact your vet for more information.

When to call the vet

If you notice any changes in behaviour such as increased or decreased thirst, increased or decreased hunger, changes in litter tray habits, sleeping more or less, not grooming, poor coat condition, wounds which do not heal, coughing, sneezing, etc then call your vet immediately.

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