Friday, January 2, 2015

Cleaning Up After Puppy Accidents

Puppy accidents happen. If you're a new puppy parent, you know they just come with territory of training a young, developing pup. While consistent potty training can help you keep puppy accidents to a minimum, thorough knowledge of pet odor removal will not only keep your home smelling fresh, but it will also help discourage a puppy from marking the same spot again...

Avoid chemical-based cleaners
The goal of cleaning up after a puppy accident is not only to clean the area, but neutralize the odor, too. Because dogs have a keen sense of smell, they will often go back to the same spot to eliminate. That's why it's important not to rely on chemical cleaners to clean up after puppy accidents. These products may remove stains, but they may not fully remove the odor that's left behind.

In fact, using a chemical cleaner to clean up a puppy accident can sometimes do more harm than good-especially if you use an ammonia-based cleaner. Ammonia is a component of urine and may actually make an area more attractive for a pet to eliminate - encouraging new pet messes!

Enzyme-based cleaners are best
To eliminate pet odor and stains, the best choice is an enzyme-based cleaner. There are many enzymatic cleaners on the market today, and these enzymes offer an effective, natural solution to pet odor removal. These products treat stains and odors simultaneously on a variety of surfaces from carpets, furniture fabrics, floors, car interiors, pet beds, and hardwoods to clothing and even stone surfaces. Just check the label to find out what surfaces the product treats and be sure to follow instructions for effective use.

If you have pet odor problem, but are not sure where it's coming from, consider investing in a black light. Black lights illuminate urine stains that would otherwise be difficult to see.

A helpful tool in potty training
are an especially helpful housetraining tool. When puppy accidents do occur, cleaning stains thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner according to package directions can help you encourage your puppy learn to use the potty in a designated area.

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